名古屋大学共創スタジオ「Idea Stoa」

【開催日:7/25(Thu)】The 7th Monthly Science Cafeteria ~How does your body affect your mind?~

IdeaStoa Project Platform Event [Experiment] 


Monthly Teishoku:「How does your body affect your mind?」

【Speaker】 Department of Informatics D3 Hiroshi Shibata

Whether you realize it or not, your body sends signals that shape your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.
Let’s dive into the fascinating world of body-mind interaction!

Anyone can participate
Free admission
Free to enter and leave!

Date    25 July 2024 (Thursday) 12:15 – 12:45(Lunch Time)
       2024年 7月 25日 (木) 12:15 ~ 12:45(ランチタイム)

Venue  National Innovation Complex (NIC), 1st Floor, Idea Stoa【地図
       名古屋大学 NIC館 Idea Stoa

Language】 English (Japanese explanation provided)
       英語 (日本語解説あり)

【主催】   Nagoya Uni Student Outreach Group IGNIMUS

What is the “Science Cafeteria “?

A relaxed, dialogue-based event where students present a monthly ” teishoku” (discussion topic)!
Bring your linch* and gather, Nagoya Uni students!
* No food or drink will be provided.



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